Friday, August 18, 2006


A lot of uproar and hulla-baloo has been made about the recent findings of the CSF, regarding the levels of pesticides in the popular soft drink brands.And not only that, the point to note is that the level was more than 30 times the specified level is , a matter of greater concern.It is a known fact that the soft drink which we get in Atlanta----home of Coca Cola is very very different from the one which we get in Anand----Gujrat(For those who are perplexed by this nondescript name,it is the home of white revolution--Brainchild of Dr Vergheese Kurian).This is an example of GLARING DOUBLE STANDARDS ,which we hav had come to associate the United States of America with.Had the same findings been released in the US, people would have rushed to the courts filing lawsuits andseeking compensations for watever ills or danger to their lives .

In India, ""aisa nahi hota hai yaar"".Let me tell u what will happen.Firstly, some states , not all will impose ban on the sale of cool drinks.Secondly, a fact finding and fact verification committee will be set up.Thirdly , after 5-6 months (commissions hav gone on for about 15-20 years in india),and lastly everthing will be forgotten till the CSF comes out with the findings again next year.So why do people keep drinking soft drinks then????.let me give you my reasons and more importently -------Why do we allow us to be treated as second class citizens who can accept anything substandard compared to what exists in other countries-----

The main reason for such discrimination is WE ACT THIRD WORLDLY
or maybe to demonstrate our so called RESILIENCE---may it be in the case of mumbai bomb blasts , on the cricket field or for that matter, ON THE BATTLEFIELD.

A very good example to prove this observation of mine would be the case of cross border terrorism and the idea of bringing the perpetrators of crime against humanity , to justice.
We have been telling the World , by shouting at the top of our voice , calling for the need to bring
Pakistan(with all due respect to all those who are no way related to the activities of the terrorists ,that is to say the comman man) and we hav been giving evidence for substantiating our claims of these acts, but the entire so called FIRST WORLD OR THE CIVILIZED WORLD(TO SAY), has been turning a blind eye to our accusations.Only when the world felt the ""pinch of terror"", have they woken up to this fact.

They did not care to take action against the same people when we were being attacked ,they kept mum when our stock exchange and the air india building was bombed , they kept telling us to maintain calm after each incident of terror in Jammu and Kashmir,but woke up only when the horrifying incidents on the Sept 11 and to say July bombings of the London metro took place.
How does it matter to them if innocent lives of the people of asia ,africa and to an extent south america are lost.And the recent announcement of the British airport authorities to cross examine only those people"--- who are most likely to look like terrorists---",that is asian immigrants and people from africa who go to the Queen's Land in search of a better life.This is a gross violation of the very human rights of an individual or to say A PARTICULAR SECT OR GROUP OF INDIVIDUALS.
Add to it the phrases such as
SMOKE EM OUT(by GWB after 9/11)
only corroborate their lack of respect and their lack of regard to the concerns of India

Sunday, August 13, 2006

silence is frightening

For the last one month, we have been hearing the news of Israeli air strikes over Lebanon, carried out on the pretext of wiping out the Hezbollah an destroying the terrorist infrastructure of theirs. everyday the Israelis advance towards what they think is their target (destruction of Hezbollah), but what they don’t know is that, instead of extinguishing the flame of fidayeen or the so called terrorist movement, it is working as adding fuel to fire an giving rise to an increasing number of people who incensed with the injustice meted out to them an the lack of world opposition to the Israeli action, will take up matters in their own hands.
it is indeed disgusting an disappointing to see that the world in general an the united nations in particular has been a mute spectator to this carnage. the blatant disregard for the un ,which was obvious in the death of un peacekeepers indeed inspires pity an anger. for those who don’t know, when Israel was carved out or rather snatched away from the Palestinians, most of the refugees of the so called Israeli war of independence had fled to Beirut , which was a fledging city then an was the centre of education an culture. It was a cardinal sin to remain silent over the Qana massacre where the primary victims were children.

and the Americans ,instead of going forth an stopping the carnage an massacre of the innocent citizens ,goes around supplying sophisticated an more an more advanced weapons to Israel with a clause of--------- "" BE CAREFUL""----------.SO MUCH SO FOR BEING A CRUSADER FOR PEACE AN BIG DADDY OF THE WORLD. An that woman Condoleezza Rice has shown her political immaturity by ,negating all calls for cease fire till a more permanent solution is found(AN EUPHEMISM FOR MORE DESTRUCTION AN MORE KLLINGS) .

don’t these people realize that even a small an affirmative action by America can stop all this or i probably think that it doesn’t matter to them how many are killed(1000 on last count), as long as their interest are served .

it is no surprise that so called empire which took pride in having an empire where the sun never set, is playing America’s poodle .in spite of want the public opinion be or what the opinion of the cabinet be, they have gone ahead an dipped their hands in blood too. it is better to disassemble the united nation which has been reduced to being America’s puppet. Israelis know that any resolution which may be harmful to their interest will be vetoed in the UNSC---- by the US. So it’s up to us whether we want to remain silent an remain a spectator to the bullish a roguish nature of a few countries or be rather a leading supporter in the real fight against terror (America an Israel).