For the last one month, we have been hearing the news of Israeli air strikes over Lebanon, carried out on the pretext of wiping out the Hezbollah an destroying the terrorist infrastructure of theirs. everyday the Israelis advance towards what they think is their target (destruction of Hezbollah), but what they don’t know is that, instead of extinguishing the flame of fidayeen or the so called terrorist movement, it is working as adding fuel to fire an giving rise to an increasing number of people who incensed with the injustice meted out to them an the lack of world opposition to the Israeli action, will take up matters in their own hands.
it is indeed disgusting an disappointing to see that the world in general an the united nations in particular has been a mute spectator to this carnage. the blatant disregard for the un ,which was obvious in the death of un peacekeepers indeed inspires pity an anger. for those who don’t know, when Israel was carved out or rather snatched away from the Palestinians, most of the refugees of the so called Israeli war of independence had fled to Beirut , which was a fledging city then an was the centre of education an culture. It was a cardinal sin to remain silent over the Qana massacre where the primary victims were children.
and the Americans ,instead of going forth an stopping the carnage an massacre of the innocent citizens ,goes around supplying sophisticated an more an more advanced weapons to Israel with a clause of--------- "" BE CAREFUL""----------.SO MUCH SO FOR BEING A CRUSADER FOR PEACE AN BIG DADDY OF THE WORLD. An that woman Condoleezza Rice has shown her political immaturity by ,negating all calls for cease fire till a more permanent solution is found(AN EUPHEMISM FOR MORE DESTRUCTION AN MORE KLLINGS) .
don’t these people realize that even a small an affirmative action by America can stop all this or i probably think that it doesn’t matter to them how many are killed(1000 on last count), as long as their interest are served .
it is no surprise that so called empire which took pride in having an empire where the sun never set, is playing America’s poodle .in spite of want the public opinion be or what the opinion of the cabinet be, they have gone ahead an dipped their hands in blood too. it is better to disassemble the united nation which has been reduced to being America’s puppet. Israelis know that any resolution which may be harmful to their interest will be vetoed in the UNSC---- by the US. So it’s up to us whether we want to remain silent an remain a spectator to the bullish a roguish nature of a few countries or be rather a leading supporter in the real fight against terror (America an Israel).
Gud 1 Addy...shud b honest a wonderful blog!!!
Hmm Addu.. so, you beat me in this huh!!! Good job a nice one, lots of info init.. more imp. you have penned it what you feel.. A suggestion though, Write the blog Post in Word Pad or Word Press so you minimize the spelling and grammatical mistakes, unless you wanna make your blog posts look the way you have written your fist article.
good one man..
Hey that's some real nice work and keep writing stuff. I think your view point is very just and to call for an end for isreal aggression is the right thing to do. But here are my viewpoints:
1) what is the true reason for Syria and Iran's role in the conflict. How come middle-east always in turmoil, does that have any thing to do with the 90% of natural energy source. Why does the so called "OIC" countries bask in terroistic gory than development stuff.
2)All conflicts have economic reasoning and America is not the only country trying to exploit people in the name of democracy. Economics play an important role in defining the Big Brother attitude.
I do agree with war as Guns N Roses rightly said in civil war
"Whaz so civil 'bout war anyway"
good insights ..
what america fails to realise is that they can no longer continue their war on terrorism for actually gaining economic profits out of these
also these type of air raids will only make more terrorists out of common people and fuel their notion of america being evil.. the UN has lost its relavence just as NAM lost it after the end of the cold war .. keep writing i like your writing its sharp .. reminds me of arun shourie.. dont get carried away .. i will keep posting
tht was too much for a tender heart
good one.. never knew this person can write something so touchin
Too good yaar!
keep it up!
ADDU its a grt article;very informative it really caugt me up.
hmmm let me put it this way.
humans ----> greed ----> money ----> power---->assholes ---->americans (could have been anyone, if not america, as of now they are there).
you---->me---->blog, detest, discuss, argue, quote, unquote, pick on them.---->eat---->sleep.
anyway that was a good one, will watch out for your future ones, was a bit late in commenting.
i think infact that was a great one, its good that you express your views in some way or the other. between guess who i am
no hope buddy
i give up
please tell me ur name
dude,it is a nice blog,has some real good emotions put down on paper,but i highly recommend some spell-checking
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