Thursday, September 21, 2006

Need a World Leader

Don’t all of us need to be ashamed of such a situation???. A country on the forefront of progress and development , a country on the threshold of greatness, one of the world’s fastest growing countries and also a country aiming for a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council, working without a foreign minister!!!!!!.With all due respect to our Prime Minister –The Great Economist , and all the work he has done for the country , frankly Foreign Affairs is not his forte.

You would say that “ Hey , we know all this”,” Yeh to hame pata hai”, my question is then why the heck do we not have a separate minister for external affairs. We all know the importance of the foreign minister and also know that a foreign minister should be a great visionary , because what decisions he takes today can alter the lives of future citizens of the country .

A best example of the above premise may be the INDO –US UNCLEAR (OOPS) NUCLEAR DEAL. Man , how much difference the order of the letters make. When I say UNCLEAR deal, I am not at all wrong. The opposition knows nothing of it , the cabinet ministers knew nothing of it at first , the people of the country know nothing of it .So much so for being the worlds greatest and largest DEMOCRACY.

It is said that LEADERS MAKETH A NATION. Today what our country lacks is a leader. It lacks LEADERS my friends , not politicians. There is not a single leader of the stature of Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi(who for all her misdeeds ,was INDIA’S BEST PRIME MINISTER), Or even for that matter a leader having the charisma of John Fitzgerald Kennedy or maybe the Spokesmen of the suppressed and the downtrodden Nelson Mandela.

These are the kind of leaders who not only were great rulers of their country , but were also great Statesmen of their country , especially in foreign affairs and in maintaining cordial relations with the world (Cuban crisis notwithstanding).

It was indeed greatly distressing to see our beloved country taking a backseat in the proceedings of the recently concluded NAM summit in Castro’s Land. While leaders such as Hugo Chavez , to an extent Md Ahmedinejad and Raul Castro spoke up against America and the illogical policies of America’s war on terror and their double standards on issues such as ----YOUR TERRORISTS ARE DIFFERENT FROM OUR TERRORISTS rhetoric, India maintained a mum silence on this issue.

And what we got out of the NAM summit is an illogical new Policy on Indo Pak terror , which many foreign affairs experts have termed Fit for Trash.

There is only one thing I need to tell India which considers America as its friend





Sriram Sarma Emani said...

hey all,so here goes my say into this-analytical / critical i do not know,it is for the reader to decide
some grammatical mistakes which caught the eye are
'should "he" a great visionary'
i would also suggest that she was the only man in the govt in her time,the govt functioned like never better before ever in all 59 years of independence during the emergency
simple 'cup of tea' is more easily understandable by a common man than 'forte' but ofcourse words are a way to mans heart,so no issues with using superfluous verbiage,unless being professional about it
i am not sure but should it be 'of' instead of 'for' in "Statesmen for their country"
excellently used anagram of UNCLEAR for NUCLEAR,seriously i am very impressed and do hope that the thought has been original.used in a proper way,legally it is not necessary for the ruling govt to disclose the elicit details of the nuclear programme to the opposition or in any way to the countrymen for sure for reasons of national security.yes they can discuss some in a all-party meeting to involve others and take their advise on general matters of nuclear security.lies at the discretion of the ruling govt but nobody has been so ethical in our country for long.the scientist prez cannot interfere even if he wants to being a nominal head.
overall i would rate this article to be well written,to convey the message across in a very good way.
hope i have been helpful

Jagan said...

ur absolutely right adwait.. the foreign minister of pakistan recently was in an embarassing situation where our pm was somewhere else and this foreign minister was asking for some1 to talk.. whos responsible for this ?? blame the damn volcker report which instigated natwar singh..
and ur right in pointing out tht we dont hv the courage to stand up to US.. even in the recent wto meet india has been subdued.. its high time india starts taking a firm stand..

Unknown said...

Adwait i think it would make a great blog if you can break in two parts:
1)Does the largest democracy in the world need a foreign minister.
2)How should really decide the terms for Nuclear deal-Politicians(Ruling or Opposition) or Scientists or general mandate.

Part 1
I think it's tough for a person doing a 9-6 job to take additional responsibility(if the co-worker falls sick) so how come politicians manage so many departments(portfolio's) without any qualifications. Is the PM qualified enough to be a FM, frankly does he deserve either. Foreign minister is the diplomatic face of the country, so does the indian goverernment think of not having one or doesnot have a suitable candidate.

Part 2
The Nuclear treaty details would be a tough one to explain in layman terms but i hope the people concerned with it are brave enough to understand that we need to sign for our strategic needs and not for some economic gains.

Well we do need a leader who has a voice that is understood and respected internationally but i don't believe that thrashing some leaders at UN would make your voice heard. Chavez or Ahmedinejad have some valid points but do they really represent the third world. Media also plays a big part in making a leader because it can be moulded to showcase your views. Well how ironic is it that the world media hardly mentions about chineese premier - how is the leader of a superpower not named USA.