Thursday, November 23, 2006


No offence meant for any one who works in the IT field and the views given in the blog are the authors personal views.I apologise for anyone hurt by the below material

Every day, countless commentator’s prophesize the ascendance of the world's next superpowers, China and India, the two "Asian giants" shaking off their ancient slumber and rising to the call of the 21st century. Let us leave China out of it as we are worried about India.

We have been hearing a lot of talk of our country being the next superpower and the decorations of our country with phrases like


I agree that the above phenomenon is occurring in our country albeit, not proportional to the amount of hype it has generated. The problem with our country is ------- There is too much smoke without any fire, -----------
The same reasons plague the Indian Cricket Team also. I agree that the boom in the IT sector has given people lot of opportunities which wouldn’t have been possible .It has given people the chance to earn more money in a comparatively shorter time when compared to other sectors such as manufacturing and pharma sector, but we should not be carried away by the TITLES which are handed over to us by the so called Industrialized and Developed countries.

Let us examine the facts first .India is being called a knowledge hub, when roughly half of the country is illiterate, with the literacy rate hanging around the mid to late 50’s. So the question of a knowledge based economy goes out for a toss. Our IT industry is mainly driven a export driven one and as far as I know, no world class software has been developed in our country. Leave the fact that about 25% of the employees of Microsoft are from India, because the Big Cat (Microsoft), eats away the cream.

Then there are the BPO’s and the KPO’s and the call centers (though they form a part of the two).We have the young people barely in their mid teens sidelining studies and hopping on to the BPOs bandwagon .I have no case against them doing so, as its their life, but if we have people who instead of completing their studies, doing jobs, what will happen to our future.
What will happen to our pure sciences and research fields? A country doesn’t only need IT professionals, it also needs musicians, it needs writers, and it needs sportsmen (preferably not cricketers).

India is still desperately poor country. Of the total of billion people in the country, nearly ¾ billion earn less than US$2 a day, according to World Bank calculations. The total number of workers in all possible forms of IT-related jobs in India comes to less than a million workers – one-quarter of one percent of the Indian labor force. For all its Nobel Prizes and brilliant scholars and professionals, India is the largest single-country contributor to the pool of illiterate people in the world. Lifting them out of poverty and dead-end menial jobs will remain a Herculean task for decades to come.

So let us stop going Ga –Ga over the IT revolution and the Growth of the software sector in our country and work towards a more balanced type of development pattern for the society .Then we can call ourselves THE TRUE SUPERPOWER

I find Robert Frost’s lines very appropriate here
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
and miles to go before I sleep,
and miles to go before I sleep.

Sources: Yale Global online
Stopping by the woods in a snowy evening by Robert Frost


Unknown said...

Very nice Blog. I loved it. I liked each and every word of it. It seems a sincere effort has been put.

Jagan said...

very well written dude.. u hv written very forensically.. as a famous joke goes: What one disgruntled employee in USA earns is earned by five over enthusiastic persons in india.. we all hv this herd mentality inherent in us which makes IT such an allure..
according to stats, the number of civil aspirants is dwindling.. this is such a disconcerting situation.. entrepreneurs are scions rather than the likes of dhirubhai ambani.. if this IT "boom" continues our country is surely gonna go "kaboom"..

The invincible! said...

well...this is 4 d 1st time i'd seen ur blog...theme was gr888 n most happening at d moment in india...

Now cming to d topic..Each1 is gifted with diff talents..all can't master in evry field na...if ur good at writing i may b a connosieur at designing n another in tech field...n all cant get thru bpo's too..may b those r darlings at communication..n may b bec of tht our country must b becoming famous??...who knows...we cant simply demean it.

yeah ur right....with d advent of this bloody craze, infotech has given death blow to rest of d fields...but wot i strongly believe is Talent prevails...none can sustain 4 longtime anywhere in d world if he doesnt hav the req knowledge..."Survival of d fittest"
even d uneligible is trying their hand in software who doesnt know how to copy n paste a long can he sustain??n its a pitiable situation tht none r giving a damn abt sciences...n those r gud at it they r leaving our country n dng d job to d foreigners which is more absurd....anything is a problem with us:)

awaiting to see the renaissance for a better INDIA just like you:)

Adwait Deshpande said...

wat u say is right and very relevent in todays world
in this mad rush for money ppl have bcom not xactly greedy but kind of what say mania has developed of IT
why go far
am an electronics engg but most of my frnds are working in software
so wat is the use of doing engg in electronics

The invincible! said...

To spk philosophically,we may bcome rich or poor in fortnite...but wot matters is knowledge which sustains with us till we die..rt now ppl r lusty for money so let thm run v cud only expect thm to return safely:))

Don worry u will bcome a journalist,provided,if u cud put up more weight in ur words n topic..n the flow is real good:)

def, ur frds will repent in future for sure as they r nt dng justice to the subject which brought the degree to them n bec of which they r working now(just pun intended;))

Unknown said...

its really good baap....could have been more informative sticking onto some fixed points...i hope u wont get offened
anyways good effort man.......

Unknown said...

Beautiful.... "too much smoke without any fire"... loved that line. How do you come up with such stuff? Your blogs are honest,in the face and concentrates on issues that NEED to be concentated upon.... and thats what i like about them. keep blogging...


shravan said...

hey this is my first comment on your blog... awsome dude... u simply rock... it was g888...waiting for u next blog...

misty_sunshine said...

yo buddy... good stuff.. lage raho!

Adwait Deshpande said...

may i kno ur name
mr brilliant day

Unknown said...

well I defnitely agree with u..
but the natural tendency of a human
nowa days is to earn aal teh facilities at a rapid pace..& thay r finding IT sector sa a good source..
....I hope that this trend will change in the near future..if not we shud change it....
keep going dude...ur dng a wonderful job

Adwait Deshpande said...

thanks bro
i suppose its ur firs comment on my post
but dont u think IT boom is hyped very much

Shailen said...

hey I just wrote an article myself instead of just writing the whole thing here as comment. U can go to my blog and see that ther...
the link is

Sriram Sarma Emani said...

one more piece of good work,so here are the comments of a researcher himself :D i dont know what value is attached to the words of a RA
well drafted essay, was more ephatic at places and the apologies were purely a formality i believe. why non-IT,even IT guys are wondering what they are oding day after day in their desk many find it challenging,to answer the foremost question,how many enjkoy what they are doing."to enjoy what i do,and to do what i enjoy" should be the motto
if somebody did IT as an engg course then why not pursue it in technical course of line thorugh higher studies.if not interested in higher studies then why not work in an atomsphere which enhances your many can confidently say that they learn something everyday
money is not the only lucrative most are running after, its the ease of job availability.easy option,any tom dick and harry if nothing to do can do a software job,thats why the standard of the IT jobs have fallen too
one must remember that ITES are support services.they are not essential ones,like core disciplines of engineering.there llies a line between those that run the economy and those that support the economy of a country.
the support in all terms-economical,morla,emotional(ppl think we are crazy geeks)for people engaged in technical core disciplines who work not for money but for the pure passion of the work itself has to be appreciated in the true need not mbe philosophical when i say money is not everything.what use is money if you earn it unhappily,and want to spend it happily.doesnt make sense.instead earn it happily even if lesser and spend it happily.
more later,bye for now

Unknown said...

hi ads...good one...n mostly true...n rightly said...does our society need only good software engineers...doesnt it need other people..if this is the case then we as community will cease to exist...
may be its just that the IT sector is in its log has to bcum stationary after a period of time, it definitely cannot and will not continue like this.

Unknown said...

Well i totally agree to your viewpoint but i want to add some more to it.

First, there is time and cycle for most of the revolutions. Industrial revolution had it's time then followed by Motor revolution. Then Electronics closely followed by IT/Computers.
Future maybe Communications or Genetic/Medicinal. People are infactuated by the in-thing.

As we speak, IT/Computers has been a tremendous boon for Indians and other developing countrues. It has it's downfalls but it certainly made life lot better for so called techies. Don't you agree that people have so much access to internet/communications due to the boom in the IT sector.

As you said that we don't have to neglect other sectors, does that mean that we used to care for other sectors before IT boom.

Well we still have people doing great stuff in other areas, none better than your mother, but IT made people look at comp related avocations much easier financially.

People who swim against the waves make the difference but that doesnot mean everyone has to or can do. It's a matter of choice and that's what great or lack of about democracy.

According to you, "For all its Nobel Prizes and brilliant scholars and professionals, India is the largest single-country contributor to the pool of illiterate people in the world". I would like to look at this way "India will have the largest pool of workforce and all it needs is oppurtunies"

It's better we brace what we are and use it to make a better life for everyone.

hey do you think there would ever be a balanced growth, if yes, then who makes that decisions.

PS: I love men in blue and it cannot be replaced by NFL/NBA etc.


Madz said...

hey dude...good one altho u cud hav stressed more on a few areas..the pt could have been made more appealing...good effort finally..

Anonymous said...

one guy who cudnt hav agreed more with u is chetan his book "one night at the call centre " if u get the time although it isnt as good as his other one on the iits.....he was on a chat show wid cyrus and a whiole bunch of bpo guys and the poor guy got screwed for no fault of his ....but however important these call centre guys think themselves to be the job sucks no doubt abt tht