Friday, December 08, 2006


It is indeed a pitiful site that, a person who is so weak that he requires support to stand up ad cannot even walk in a straight line is trying to give a new direction to the country and lead it to a strong and stable future. I suppose everyone has their own views about reservation for the OBC’s, but one thing I am sure we all agree upon is that giving reservation to the so called backward and not so developed groups is not going to reduce the gap between them and the others to a large extent. It is just a gimmick to maintain the vote bank of the political parties. True, that the purpose behind reservations was a noble one, though not as noble as it is now, and there were three objectives of a quota reservation system in jobs, education and other economic opportunities.
1. Provide succor to the weaker sections of the society.
2. Control or discipline masses in each quota category through quota
3. Distribute the national pie among elite in each category.

But since the past 54 years, the meaning of the purpose has been so distorted by the political parties that, it bears no semblance to the purpose our founding fathers hoped, it would achieve.

Let us look at, where it all started. The SC/ST reservation bill was passed in parliament when we as a nation were not even counted amongst developing nations (in 1952). This bill was passed for A TEMPORARY TIME to uplift the downtrodden & there was no timeline set for the validation of this bill (although no end period was set in written in constitution or any other document but it did not mean eternity). Till date there has been no amendment or abolishment of this rule. Reason? Because no ruling party wants to lose its votes or its vote bank. Simply calling --"KISSA KURSI KA".

As if the SC/ST, OBC reservations are not enough, we have NRI Quota, management quota, Ex Servicemen quota, minority quota, ladies quota, sports quota, and NCC quota. Now, you tell me what is left. India is the only country in the world where people where people love being labeled backward and fit for QUOTA type. And the politicians are just waiting for a chance to fan this already smoldering sentiment
What do we get when we try to protest against the government’s opportunistic decision .Lathi Charge, Water Canons, and the supreme blow by the Supreme Court to stop the protest and return to work?.So what next now ????A quota for those affected by Quota. Is this how a democracy, which gives the right to speak one’s mind and the right to freedom, supposed to work? Though one bright spot of the protest was that people were not willing to blindly follow the government order and comply with that, but came in large numbers to not only attend but also organize the protests.Or Was it the RANG DE BASANTI EFFECT??? Delhi was the true capital of India once again, being the EPICENTRE of the protests.

It is a bitter fact that we are still living in an unjust society and certain sections of the society are still being exploited and deprived of their rights. But instead of eradicating this injustice the only thing we are doing is to create further splits in the already fragile structure. We should strive for a society which fosters equality among all the sections and for that we require the country’s youth (TOMMORROW’S CITIZENS) to make the people realize that division in the name of caste and creed is going to harm our own future.


Madz said...

well, wts the solution you are offering..i mean how can wt u said(striving towards equality) be acheived??even they dont have an option bt to make it a caste thing..the financial status also wouldnt help, then there wud b too much corruption..
nice pic dude..mast hain..article bhi mast likha hain..

Jagan said...

i beg to differ boss.. USA has affirmative action which is baap of all quotas.. Chronologically speaking, it took our country 90 damn years to gain freedom.. and then another 30 years to set our house right.. AFter tht emergency followed and only when liberalisation happened tht we became partly self-sufficient.. moreover, any democracy strives for equality.. which logic presupposes tht the 15 % elite must have complete access to higher education .. see my write up on reservation some time..

Btw, amazing pic..

Adwait Deshpande said...

thanks dude
well one of the solutions can be to take up the problem at the grassroot level.see why the OBC's or whoever , are lagging .bcoz once u identify the root of the cause , effective measures can be taken .but irresponsibly handing out quotas is not the solution

Unknown said...

its really kool one yarr
i liked it.

Adwait Deshpande said...

u hav every right to differ dude.after all wat is a blog without a diff of opinion
but if it is so , then what do u suggest .
what shud be done to do away with this reservation
dont u think we are trapped in circles
we know that quota is bad, but no has has come up with a solution .in my blog i hav tried to deict the purpose behind the reservations and it is not about whether we shud have reservations or not.i think u agree on that.

Madz said... u said, the very purpose of reservation is lost..

ZeroCool said...

Cool article.. specially the pic.

Utsav Mamoria said...

some issues i feel need to be addressed
when quota was first implemented , people were benefitted from it. now their second generation which does not have any drawbacks like no acces to education , unsuitable environment for acads...etc and indeed are as capable and as well off by any standards as we are .. do they have a right to stake claim at a reserved seat ... i study at a NIT and see many people from well to do families get in on quota

what is your take on that ???

well a random thought maybe what do you think ??

Adwait Deshpande said...

i feel that as u said , if the second gen is indeed doing well ,without quota ,then morally they should not take up the benefits of quota. but then who would want to leave on on anything free.
it depends on the individual .

Anonymous said...

the same way as a quota inclusion requires blind following by the masses......'I' do think that abolishing the quota totally(know thats a giant step) may be also lead to the same....the afflicted masses will make all the hue and cry but time will erase the frequency of these protests causing 'em to be really sporadic..
like a 'quota' friend told me...."abhi hai tho , use kar raha hoon" nahi tho kya kar sakta hoon?"
his views may be extremely moderate but it spells out the 'passive onlook factor' of india......
isay ..'why not use it in this case also'?

Adwait Deshpande said...

you may be right here varun bcoz now a days we do not see the protests and dharnas for the anti quota thing
poeople have ccepted it as a part of their life which goes out of mind as the time passes by.Isnt it