Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Please Spare Us the Cliches

Another terror attack, a so-called act, of the people opposed to the peace process between India and Pakistan. "We will not allow elements which want to sabotage the ongoing peace process to succeed," said Mr. Musharraf in a statement, according to The Associated Press. What happens in the aftermath of the attack? Any Guesses?

Condoling the deaths, Union Home Minister Shivraj Patil said the incident was aimed at disturbing peace and spoiling India's relationship with other countries.
"Whoever is behind the incident is against peace and wants to spoil our growing "Sharam aani chahiye lrelationship with other countries," Patil said. (What a revelation)

Condemning the ghastly blasts on the train, Congress President Sonia Gandhi appealed to the people of India and Pakistan to stand up firmly against enemies of humanity.

"Gandhi has condemned the barbaric act of violence in the Samjhauta Express and has appealed to the people of India and Pakistan to stand up firmly against such enemies of humanity," a party spokesperson said.

Prime Minister asks us to maintain calm and peace in the eye of the tragedy and repeats his oh so clichéd statements like those stated below, but very little action follows.

“No one can make us to go to our knees” (Because we are already dead and buried)

"India will continue to walk tall, and with confidence."

He also praises the resilience and courageous spirit of the people, who are not cowed down by the terror attack and go to their respective offices the next day. (Do we have a choice?? Other than go to work)

"Do not be provoked by rumours. Do not let anyone divide us. Our strength lies in our unity."(Who needs provocation, when we have the entire state machinery at our back, like in the case of Godhra train massacre to revenge the killings?) Shri Modi played an active role, along with at least three cabinet colleagues, in instructing senior police personnel and civil administrators that a "Hindu reaction was to be expected and this must not be curtailed or controlled."

“The perpetrators of this dastardly act will not go unpunished”
(Do we remember a certain Dawood Ibrahim, the so-called mastermind behind the Mumbai Bomb Blast? Is he rotting in Tihar Jail or is he slogging out in Allahabad Jail?) Or are the masterminds of the Indian Airlines Hijack cooling their heels behind bars. Yes, maybe the dance bars in some country. Or for that matter the accused in the recent 7/11, Mumbai Train blasts. We dot even know their names or anything.

Mr. Lalu Yadav said that “The incident happened due to lack of security arrangements (Euphemism for Intelligence failure), such as the absence of metal detectors and screening equipment” (Of course, if everything were in place, this tragedy would have been avoided. Even a child can deduce that).

Last but not the least, it is the time for compensations .1 lakh, 2 lakhs, 5 lakhs and in the recent Samjhauta express bombing case a whopping 10 lakhs for each of the person killed (But believe me, money is, quite a poor replacement for a person dead). The more lives an act takes, the more the compensation. Sometimes even the allotment of compensation is not devoid of blunders. The Gujarat earthquake victims were asked to deposit 5000 Rs to get their compensation. The victims of the state sponsored pogrom in Gujarat were given checques ranging from Rs 100- Rs 5000, when the amount promised was in lakhs. (Hey!! Sometimes, even computers make mistakes .Like the famous M seal advertisement. Maybe it forgot to print a few zeros.)

To give you a real life example .A woman displayed a cheque of Rs 100 she received as compensation for the damage to her house in the post-Godhra riots, and so taken aback was the two-member probe panel that Justice (retd) K G Shah couldn't help remark: "Sharam aani chahiye lene wale ko aur dene wale ko (It should shame both who receive and award such compensation)."

The end result!
We live happily ever after, that is until a new tragedy or a new terror attack hits us. Again, the same process is repeated. Some one very truly stated that LIFE GOES AROUND IN CIRCLES. Life goes on, as it never ends. That is just the hard truth of life and the sooner we accept it, the better it will be. We cannot expect anything more substantial or more concrete from the so-called people’s representatives.


Jagan said...

the immediate reaction from our mandarins after the dastardly acts of terror is a filibuster.. u hv hit the bull's eye by pointing out the rhetoric into which the politicians find solace in..Who can forget those proverbial crocodile tears of narendra modi when it is widely believed tht he was the brainchild behind the godhra kaand.. There arise some occasions when the politicians need to get their act together rather than indulge in fisticuffs.. Vajpayee's reaction after the samjhauta act was a censure on the UPA government.. This is not done..

True Conscience said...

How come your politicians speak with phrases similar to mine!

Ah, hypocrisy! I thought it only happens in my country. I guess it has become a natural trait in politicians or anyone who has the chance to be in power and in a position to corrupt.

We may hate them, but, rest assured, without them, there is no fun!

Governments are hopeless. Let’s depend on ourselves as much as we can and treat their hypocrisy with amusement rather than contempt.

Contempt increases the risk of a heart attack.

At least, laughter can be a good medicine.

Adwait Deshpande said...

u r right.u should chk out the article on the gujrat riots it only confirms what u say.
@true conscience
indeed the politicians of every contry are similar.but as u said , if they werent as they are, we wud have been devoid of amusement.